Corporate and stakeholder videos

Corporate videos are about the organisation and how it 'fits in' to the viewer's life

Corporate videos explain and demonstrate who you are and what you do.

There have been enormous changes in corporate videos — they are no longer the stuffy, dry, boring boardroom speeches that they once were.  

Today, the stories tend to be told from the coalface of the organisation, rather than the boardroom. The stories recognise stakeholders and speak clearly to them, rather than hiding behind corporate doublespeak. Telling an organisation's story means telling the stories of the people who deliver and use its services and products. These human stories give the organisation life.

Corporate videos can achieve many different goals.  They might define the organisation and its direction. They might demonstrate how the organisation delivers value. Or they might report developments and outcomes to a wide range of stakeholders.

Video case studies

Video case studies capture the organisation in action.

These case studies can be particularly effective at bringing annual reports to life.

We produced a series video case studies for annual reports for the Fair Work Commission, which you can watch here. Judges for the Institute of Public Administration made special mention of the videos when they named the the Commission's 2014 report as annual report of the year. Find out more about our annual report writing and editing

Watch more examples of videos we've made.