Strategic analysis


Often, the answers often aren't right in front of you

Even when they seem to be, they might be the answers to the wrong questions. That’s why taking time to properly understand the problem is so important. Most communication failures happen here, because the analysis of the situation is incomplete or incorrect.

To us, this is a ‘discovery’ stage — an opportunity to fact-find. Everything goes on the table for consideration. Is the problem really what we think? Are the objectives taking us in the right direction? We find out what is really going on because our eyes, ears and culture are fresh and inquisitive. We ask questions that usually don't get asked and constantly challenge assumptions.

We work closely with the executive, communications team, subject matter experts and other internal & external stakeholders to test that the understanding of the situation is shared and correct.

What's really going on here?


Don't chew the first bone you come across 

It might be the wrong bone. Or it could belong to a bigger dog. Jumping to the wrong conclusion or acting on half a story can mean trouble. But some deep thinking here can save getting your nose rubbed in it later!

Once we’ve explored the background, collected data and listened to opinions we give it all a chance to 'speak to us'.

Because the answer will be there, waiting to be revealed, when the dots are joined. The hard part is knowing which dots to join, and in what sequence!

The light-bulb moment

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These moments really do happen in strategy

They are moments when you suddenly see how all those dots should be joined. Or when a meeting-room full of people suddenly, as one, says ‘A-ha’.

We love those moments!

Put enough of them together and you end up with a meaningful insight into a situation, the people and parties involved and the key messages that everyone needs to hear in order for you to achieve your objectives.

Those insights are the basis of the strategy development.