How we make videos

We are strategic in our approach and journalistic in our execution.

Strategic approach

What do you want this video to achieve?

It's the most important question in any video project and it is always the first question we ask. The answers will lead us to the:

  • Problems to be solved
  • Target audiences
  • Key messages to convey
  • Type and style of production required
  • Critical story-telling elements

The underlying communications objectives always drive the creation of the video. We don’t take a camera out of its case until we understand those objectives and know how we will meet them.

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Journalistic execution

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We produce factual content, using journalistic principles and styles. 

Our videos are made to give viewers information that answers their questions. This is crucial in the new-age of information. Today, people use filters to avoid ‘old-style’ communications. Instead, they actively seek information—and interrogate it when they find it, asking:

  • What is this about?
  • Who does it affect?
  • Why should I care?
  • When does it begin?
  • Where do I find out more?

Journalistic story-telling processes are designed to answer those 'who, what, why' questions.

Production process

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Full-service solution

Our process means you always understand the stage and progress of your video and know what will happen next.

  1. Consultation

    We consult with the executive, communications team and subject matter experts.

  2. Strategic advice

    We identify the stories to be told and advise on the style and structure of videos.

  3. Script development

    We develop and write draft scripts, then revise them after review by stakeholders.

  4. Filming

    We film on your premises, at external sites or in a studio.

  5. Post-production

    We edit and revise the video including graphics, voiceovers and backing music.

  6. Supply of final video files

    We supply the videos optimised for use in different channels and online platforms.